Group 305
Three Superpowers for Women in Real Estate

Three Superpowers for Women in Real Estate

Tune into this special edition of the InFlow Podcast to find out what THREE CRITICAL SUPERPOWERS you can harness to 10x your results as women in real estate!

We recently celebrated International Women’s Day, and it got me thinking about everything that I have learned from the incredible women who have mentored me throughout my career.

It is impossible to summarize everything I have gained from the mentorship programs I am blessed to have been a part of over the years. However, I think women need to master specific skills to reach their full potential as real estate investors.

The Power Of Mentorship

Many people have asked me, “what is the best investment you have ever made?” Considering the incredible real estate deals that Jack Bosch and I have closed over the past 18 years, everyone expects to hear something about an amazing land flip (and there have been many), or a 7-figure multi-family deal (and we have had those too).

However, the very best investment I have ever made is in myself.

Jack and I spend multiple 6 figures every year securing the best mentors and coaches to ensure that we remain at the very top of our game.

I have had many mentors over the years, and I can reliably say that every single cent spent has provided an invaluable return on investment.

As we celebrate this Women’s Day, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some of the wisdom I have gained from my mentors over the years.

The Three Superpowers

Based on more than 18 years of experience as a real estate investor, I have identified three superpowers that every woman that wants to build a successful career in real estate should be focusing on:


#1: Presence

Develop your presence, both internally and in the world.

One of the advantages that most women have over men in the workplace is our intuition. Learning to use and trust your intuition in your inner and outer work is a powerful way to accelerate your success.

Take time to be still and listen to your innermost voice when making decisions about your business and life, as it will rarely steer you wrong. 

#2: Voice

Women have not always been encouraged to own their voices, especially in traditional patriarchal societies.

However, unlike our grandmothers, we now have an opportunity to speak up and be heard. However, it’s up to you to build your communication skills and develop the courage to speak up.

“Use your voice and speak up – even if it shakes at first.”

Michelle Bosch

Using your voice is part of the secret to prosperity, especially as a woman in real estate.

You have to be prepared to speak to buyers and sellers with conviction and confidence to close deals. You need to advocate for yourself in your business and be vocal about your needs, boundaries, and expectations, especially as you grow your team and step into the role of CEO of your real estate business.

#3: Position

Taking a position in life requires conviction. And conviction comes from passion, confidence, and a willingness to be true to your core values.

In traditional patriarchal societies,  a woman’s place is behind the dominant men in her life. Today, women have the opportunity to take a position outside of these roles, and it is up to you to seize the opportunity and make a stand.

If you take a leadership position in your family, business, or community,  you must be willing to take a position, demonstrate it through your actions, and defend it if challenged.

Decide what you stand for and have the courage to set the boundaries that will enforce your position.

Join A Community That Will Nurture The Three Powers In You

If you are ready to launch or advance your career as a woman in real estate and are looking for a community that will nurture you as you reach for your true potential, you are in the right place.

Jack Bosch and I host a FREE 5-day Land Flipping MasterClass from March 21st to 25th.

You will have the opportunity to engage with the top 1% of land flippers (including some of the most powerful women in the land investing space) to learn the skills and systems needed to grow your real estate business into a 6 or even 7-figure cash-generating machine.

Don’t miss a single episode of InFlow with Michelle Bosch by subscribing on your preferred podcast platform!

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