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How to Maximize Productivity in your Land Investing Business

How to Maximize Productivity in your Land Investing Business

Get your FREE Productivity hack in this weeks’ episode of the InFlow Podcast, and discover how to maximize your productivity in your land investing business.

When you launch into the role of leader in your business and your home life, getting the most out of every day becomes critical to your success. But, how do you get to all of your tasks while still maintaining a balanced and healthy life?

My husband, Jack Bosch, and I have tried many different approaches to productivity under the guidance of several leading mentors over the years. And while every method has its strengths and weaknesses, one approach has always yielded the best results for us!

Listen to this week’s episode of the InFlow Podcast to discover a holistic and straightforward method to maximize your Productivity while allowing you the time and space to enjoy your life as a land investor.

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Finding The Productivity Boost That Works For You

If you go online and research how to maximize your productivity, you will likely come across thousands of products, programs, and paradigms designed to help you get the most out of your time.

It’s essential to keep in mind that the more tools and competing strategies you implement, the more time you will spend managing your productivity strategies instead of actually getting the work done.

So, my first suggestion is to find a method that works for you and stick to it!

The second step to maximizing your productivity is to start by breaking down your time.

If you try to achieve everything in one day, you are likely to do lots of ‘busy work’ but not achieve tangible results. On the other hand, if you try to optimize your time by the month, you could lose track of your goals and deliverables. In my experience, managing goals and deliverables weekly is the most effective approach.

Once you start planning your week, identify three critical deliverables that you want to achieve. Make sure that these deliverables tie back to your quarterly and annual goals. Set yourself tasks and deadlines and hold yourself accountable.

The Three Pillars Of Productivity

Being productive is a very broad term, and it can be challenging to decide your priorities. I find that breaking down tasks into three critical pillars of productivity simplifies and streamlines the process.


Specific tasks in your business are primarily concerned with producing profits. If you are building your land investing business, these tasks will include sending out mailers, receiving responses, marketing your properties, and sending out offers. You must stay on top of the tasks that produce profits in your business to reach your income goals.


As a business leader, it’s your job to ensure that you are plotting the course your team needs to follow to achieve your pre-determined goals. You need to do several weekly tasks to ensure your planning is on track. As a land investor, you need to be thinking about your next set of mailers or scaling up your team to ensure that you remain ahead of your growth curve. You also want to ensure that you are feeding your deal pipeline to generate consistent income in your land investing business.


When you are a highly driven entrepreneur, it’s easy to fall into the trap of filling every available hour of your day with a task that will take your business forward. While this will show very fast results in the short term, it’s a sure path to failure down the road.

No matter how driven you are, your capacity for productive work is limited. Once you have put in 8 – 10 hours of hard effort, your concentration, accuracy, and quality of work will start to decline.

If you want to maximize your productivity, it is essential that you set time aside to disengage, recharge, and rest. Once you set time aside to recharge, you will be able to deliver to your highest standards when it’s time to work.

The Pillar that Holds Your Productivity Together:

There is one last critical pillar to maximizing your productivity: Projection.

Make sure to listen to the whole episode of the InFlow Podcast to find out how your hopes, dreams, and visualization will ensure your production, planning, and play are all put to the best use.

Learn more about the power of land investing HERE.

If you are ready to launch and scale a land investing business that will provide freedom of cash, time, relationships, and purpose, book a call with one of our land experts TODAY!

Follow me on social media to discover how you can embrace a life InFlow – with Inflows of Cash, Grace, and Faith.

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