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How to leverage the power of social media in sales with Ryaan Dowdy | InFlow with Michelle Bosch | Episode 108

How to leverage the power of social media in sales with Ryann Dowdy | InFlow with Michelle Bosch | Episode 108

In the episode of the InFlow Podcast, I speak with Sales Queen and business coach Ryann Dowdy, about how to leverage the power of social media in sales.

I will be implementing many of the gold nuggets that Ryann shared in this interview within my own businesses. I am sure that you will find this episode and enriching, insightful and helpful as I did.

Find out more!

What it takes to become a sales queen

Before starting her own business, Ryann spent 15 years in the corporate world, building multi-million dollar sales organizations for start-ups in the marketing space. From sales rep and an individual contributor to Director of Sales – Ryann has mentored, managed, and trained thousands of sales reps during her career.

Ryann has teamed up with sales mastermind and founder of The Live Launch Method, Kelly Roach, to establish the Social Selling Academy. The power team has created a learning space for CEOs and their teams to learn the most cutting-edge sales methods that leverage the power of social media to generate leads, foster relationships, and ultimately close deals.

The Secrets to Social Selling

It is an enormous privilege to deep-dive into Ryann’s insights into what it takes to turn social media platforms into a highly profitable business tool to generate sales.

Ryann points out that the traditional sales methods used before the digital revolution leveraged human relationships to create sales.

“When I started in sales right out of college, I used to spend a lot of time cold calling people, traveling around to people’s offices, and pushing open doors. I was only ever able to reach a few hundred potential clients in this way. Social media has created doors to billions of people, where you can open a DM conversation and start to foster a relationship that can and often does lead to a sale.”

Building your Sales Team

According to Ryann, every entrepreneur starts in a sales role for their own business. As the business grows, you gradually promote yourself and bring on a team to create more capacity. She has some invaluable advice for entrepreneurs that are trying to build a sales team:

  • Invest in salespeople to make your sales. It is a specialized field that requires dedicated time.
  • Take the time to train your sales team and make sure that it is a continuous process.
  • Set realistic KPIs and how your people to account but encourage them to create their own business plans and be the CEOs of their own desk

One of the most powerful takeaways from my conversation with Ryann was the importance that she places on vision casting.

“Share the company vision and mission with your sales team and encourage them to share their personal vision and goals.”

Creating a synergy between the two means that your team is motivated to grow with you and is not left feeling like a cog in the wheel.

If you would like to find out more about The Social Selling Academy, visit their website:

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