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Do this ONE thing to succeed as a land investor | InFlow Podcast with Michelle Bosch

Do This ONE Thing To Succeed As a Land Investor

Join me in this episode of the InFlow Podcast to discover the one thing you need to do to succeed as a land investor.

This week, the Land Profit Generator team has been very busy hosting our 5-day Land Profit Masterclass.

It is such an honor to connect with friends, both old and new, as we journey through the steps and processes needed to build and scale a prosperous land investing business. If you have been participating in this event, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your trust and commitment and for contributing to this transformational experience.

If you missed the class, the replays are still available for review, and you can register HERE:

What does success mean to you?

The most critical mission of the Land Profit Masterclass is bringing people, just like you, to success. However, success means different things to different people.

For you, it might be building a business that will allow you to quit your job. It might be having the freedom and resources to travel the world for others. You might define success as having seven or eight figures in the bank or being able to give back to your parents, church, or community.

Whatever your definition of success, it will always remain a dream unless you are willing to take action to turn that dream into a reality.

And there is ONE thing that you need to do to turn your dream into a reality!

Listen to this week’s episode of the Inflow Podcast to discover the single most powerful action you can take to launch into success in 2022.

Listen on your favorite podcast platform and never miss an episode HERE:



How To Succeed In Land Investing

During the Land Profit Masterclass, we show you all the steps that you need to follow to build a successful land investing business.

We show you how to select the right counties, send out neutral letters, make offers on properties, and get those properties under contract. We then take you through how to list your properties, find the right buyers and close the deal to make huge profits.

While each one of these steps is critical to your deal-making process, none of these steps will guarantee your success as a land investor.

So, what is the secret to success as a land investor?

The answer is simple: Know what you want!

Close your eyes for a moment and visualize that your most pressing pain point is magically resolved. What has changed? Do you no longer work at your current job? Are your student loans all paid up? Do you see your loved ones provided for, your children graduating college?

Once you have a clear understanding of exactly what you want to achieve, half the battle is won. The other half of the battle is overcoming the fear and doubt that comes when you open your eyes and ask yourself “How am I ever going to get there?”

Asking yourself “how” is a limiting question. If you knew how to achieve your goals, you would already be achieving them, right?

The secret to success is knowing what you want and then asking WHO will be able to get you there.

Building the right partnerships

If you are committed to achieving your vision of success, the fastest and most reliable way to do so is to find somebody who has already achieved those goals and tap into their experience.

Jack and I spend hundreds of thousands of dollars every year on coaching programs so that we can learn from others’ mistakes and avoid paying the cost of failure down the road.

This is the secret to our success and is the core reason why we developed the Land Profit Coaching program.

We understand what it feels like to build a real estate investing business with no guidance, support, or a trailblazer to show us the way. Once we made all of the mistakes, bumped our heads, and fought through to the other side, we decided that we did not want others to have to fumble in the dark the way that we did.

We, therefore, gathered the top 1% of land flippers in the industry and built the Land Profit Coaching team. Every one of our coaches is an expert land investor with hundreds of successful deals under their belts. They are all full-time entrepreneurs who understand the mindset needed to build a business that provides security of income and freedom of lifestyle.

The Land Profit Coaching program is designed to get you from dreaming about achieving your goals to living the life you want to live, no matter what obstacles get in the way.

If you want to succeed as a land investor in 2022, book a call with one of our land experts to find out if the Land Profit Coaching program is the right fit for you.

Follow me on social media to discover how you can embrace a life InFlow – with Inflows of Cash, Grace, and Faith.

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