Group 305
The Law of Traction | Inflow with Michelle Bosch | Episode 115

The Law of Traction | Inflow with Michelle Bosch | Episode 114

While enjoying the idyllic paradise that is Wailea, Hawaii, I will explore the law of traction in this episode of the InFlow Podcast.

We have all heard about the law of attraction – what you give your energy and attention to, it comes flowing into your life. This is a pure universal law, just like gravity.

However, there is a critical ingredient that makes the law of attraction more than simply a visualization exercise.

Realising your vision with the Law of Traction

Many years ago, after five grueling years working my corporate job and building our land flipping business, Jack and I returned to Hawaii, where we had our honeymoon.

I remember that two-week vacation being one of the most healing and enriching experiences of my life. While we were exploring the island, we discovered this incredible place called Wailea. Historically a fishing village, that according to local tradition, was blessed by Lea, the goddess of canoe-builders.

Over the years, I have nursed a deep yearning to return to Wailea and stay in one of the majestic villas with breathtaking views of the ocean and volcanic mountains.

We went home to Arizona after that magical vacation, and that is when the law of traction took over from the law of attraction.

What is the Law of Traction

Buried in the word TRACTION is the most powerful secret to the law of traction – ACTION!

The law of attraction states that if you visualize what you want to achieve in life and remain focused on that vision, you will begin to manifest it.

I believe in this philosophy, but it is incomplete. If you want to achieve your goals, the only way to do it is to take action.

Only by immersing yourself – body, mind, and soul – into achieving your vision for your future through consistent, strategic, and intentional action will you start to see tangible results.

How do the laws of traction and attraction work together?

All of the laws governing the Universe work in synergy – think about time and space, for example.


  • The law of attraction will allow you to bring positive things into your life
  • The law of traction means you have to dig your feet in and start pushing towards your goals
  • The law of action is that nothing will happen unless you take action with intention and consistancy!

The enormous amount of action, focus and drive that Jack and I have invested in our land investing businesses over the past 20 years has opened up this incredible opportunity to spend a month in this glorious villa in Wailea.

It’s not because we are lucky, or sat around visualizing this villa and all the wonder of the island.

We have worked hard and consistently, with blood, sweat, a LOT of joy (and a few tears), to get here!

And you can too!

If you know what you want in your life but don’t know where to invest your energy to get the traction you need to get to the next level, join us for our upcoming 5-Day Masterclass, starting on August 9th!

Register HERE:

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