Group 305

Never In My Wildest Dreams….

If you would have told me 17 years ago that in 2018… I would be launching a Podcast for women where…. I would be leading the way and advocating for Women’s Wealth through Real Estate Investing and Spirituality…I would have never believed you.

First off, it would have been 2001…and I would have responded with “what in the world is a podcast?” I would have just graduated with an MBA… I would have been attending graduation parties and at one of them in particular celebrated at the school’s pub… I would have been asked by one of my fellow peers what where my career plans.

Well, I proceeded to share with him enthusiastically that I was working on a real estate startup doing land flipping…I remember his face to this day… and then how he laughingly asked me if this was for real. To which I responded, “of course…we just flipped our first deal and we have made over $3500 in profit.” Then he proceeded to tell me in a mocking tone how he had gotten a great position where he was going to be paid top dollar with a big multinational company and was on his way to the TOP. Life has its ways and I was destined to see him several years later.

I will never forget though how my innocent response about my real estate investing startup was received that day in a world of hot shot degrees and academia…I felt like a loser. His face, remark and laughter shook me and took me aback for several weeks and self-doubt plagued me and almost crushed my dreams of financial freedom. I don’t blame him though… I have to admit, entrepreneurship is a vehicle that is outside the box for most…and land flipping well…that’s a whole other story on a different level of the WEIRDOMETER spectrum altogether! Lol!

Fast forward 4000 deals later, after building one of the largest land auction companies in the US and a fast growing single and multi-family privately owned investment firm… even through the 2008 recession…to the summer of this year when after nurturing a deep, innocent and pure yearning of the heart once again…but this time to serve on a larger scale…. I gave myself permission to risk blossoming and dare to put myself out there and shine brightly and announce unapologetically to the universe that I was committing and devoting to my purpose. Just like in the past here again I experienced self-doubt. This time…not triggered by someone on the outside but by the inner itty bitty shitty committee that sometimes whispers crap in your head. But like I have done many times in the past I just doubted the doubts and put on my big girl panties and kept moving forward.

Oh… and guess what happened? 10 years later at a Homecoming Reunion…that same guy that laughed at graduation…looked like he had aged 30 years in a decade and was stuck in middle management asked me how things were going. You should have seen the look in his eyes…when I described briefly what I was up to…he was eagerly asking me more questions about the real estate projects I was currently working on and asked me if I could please give him some guidance and help him…which of course I did. Unknowingly, he had played a big part in my success.

I invite everyone whether you are a woman or a man reading this post…that you if you see unfulfilled potential in others or in yourself…PLEASE STEP UP as a leader and go make happen what you came to this world to make happen ….which is not just to pass through, struggle and hustle… but to take your place with (in the words of Steve Jobs) “the crazy ones… the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

I DARE you to step into your Genius and HIGHER WORK… I send you all the good vibes and energy to simply lift you higher. And if you want to tune in to my new InFLOW Podcast I look forward to sharing with you some of the struggles, losses, breakthroughs, strategies and peace I have been blessed to experience so far in the hope they lift you higher. Link in the Comments!

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