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How to assess your performance as a business leader | InFlow with Michelle Bosch | Episode 118

How to assess your performance as a business leader | InFlow with Michelle Bosch | Episode 118

Assessing your performance as a business leader can be a challenge. In this episode of the InFlow Podcast, I share how I use a critical question to gauge my performance as a business leader.

How do you assess your performance as a business leader?

Setting performance criteria and implementing performance appraisals is critical to managing your team effectively. But, as a business leader, you must take responsibility for assessing your own performance.

You are the engine of your business. As such, your performance will affect the entire organization.

So how do you make sure that you are setting yourself and your team up for success?

The key, in my experience, is having the courage to be completely honest with myself. However, it is essential to focus on constructive self-criticism rather than getting stuck in beating yourself up.

As you start to assess your performance as a business leader, remember to give yourself the same Grace that you would anybody on your team. Identify areas where you could be doing better. But, don’t forget to give yourself credit for what you are doing well.

How to use critical questions to measure your performance

Over the past few weeks, I have been implementing a journaling strategy that allows me to gauge my performance as a business leader.

I start every week asking myself this one critical question:

“Is the person that showed up in my business last week the person that is going to get me closer to my goals this week?”

If the answer is YES, I reflect on what I am doing right and do more of it.

If the answer is NO, I analyze how to course-correct to ensure that I use the week ahead to get closer to my goals.

You might have your own critical question that could help you to stay on course in your role as a business leader.

Whatever your question is – make sure to be kind and honest.

Boosting performance to close the gap

There will always be a gap between where you are right now and where you want to be. It is a quintessential part of being an entrepreneur. If you are completely satisfied with where your business is – you are not growing. And if you are not growing – your business is dying.

Celebrate the gap and remain committed to closing the gap every day – until you are ready to move the goalposts out even further.

If you start to feel discouraged, always keep in mind that as much as there is a gap between where you are now and where you want to be. There is likely an even bigger gap between where you started and where you are now.

We are hosting our first LIVE and IN PERSON Land Profit Generator event in Phoenix, Arizona, on October 1st – 3rd.

If you would like the opportunity to meet me, Michelle Bosch, my partner in life and business, Jack Bosch, and the entire Land Profit Generator team visit: to book your ticket.

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